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Sylabusy w bazie:

Advanced course in scientific English obowiązkowy| - Environmental protection - ogólnoakademicki - II stopień - I i II st. magisterskich - |5390000-00-00 1
Advanced course in scientific English_2020en obowiązkowy| - Environmental protection - ogólnoakademicki - II stopień - I i II st. magisterskich - |18252020-05-14 1

wybrano: 1825

Advanced course in scientific English

Sylabus zajęć

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów
Jednostka organizacyjna
Wydział Biologii
Poziom studiów
Forma studiów
Profil studiów
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Cykl dydaktyczny
Języki wykładowe
Blok zajęciowy
Przedmioty nieprzypisane
Koordynator zajęć
Prowadzący zajęcia
Semestr -1
Forma zajęć / liczba godzin / forma zaliczenia
  • Zaliczenie z oceną
Liczba punktów ECTS

Cele kształcenia dla zajęć

A1. The general aim of the course is to prepare students for an active participation in classes conducted only in English. To achieve this purpose, the set of primary aims listed below are to be met and these are to be successfully integrated. A2. One of the major aims of the course is to improve students’ listening comprehension skills in order to prepare them for understanding classes taught only in English. This aim will be achieved through the overall specificity of the course, where most of the didactic materials will contain vocabulary used in academic English (with emphasis laid on vocabulary used by biologists). A3. Another aim of the course is to improve speaking skills of the participants so that at the end of the course they can communicate with relative ease on a variety of topics, ranging from their study-specific ones to those encountered in everyday situations. This aim also encompasses polishing students’ pronunciation of English by eradicating possible elements of Polish pronunciation. A4. Apart from the above, the course is also intended to help the participants develop writing skills in formal academic English. They are expected to learn how to write various types of texts such as paragraphs, essays, academic re-search papers, reports, abstracts, and e-mails. A5. The programme of the course is also aimed at explaining the complexities of English grammar at the advanced and proficiency levels to make the participants fluent in use of correct grammatical structures of the English language. A6. The course obviously focuses on expanding the vocabulary of the participants at the advanced and proficiency levels. Besides this, the materials used during the course will provide useful academic vocabulary (with emphasis laid on vocabulary used in biology). A7. Last but not least, the course offers a set of classes designed to improve presentation skills in English on various topics with the use of Power Point and other multimedia.

Wymagania wstępne

The only preliminary requirement for the course is good command of English at the intermediate or upper-intermediate level.

Efekty uczenia się dla zajęć

Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotuPo zakończeniu zajęć i potwierdzeniu osiągnięcia EU student/ka:Symbole EK dla kierunku studiów
Efekt_01Understand spoken English so that they can easily participate in classes conducted exclusively in English,
Efekt_02Speak fluent English so that they will be able to communicate effectively, take part in scientific discourse, discuss a variety of topics, and form properly structured questions and answers,
Efekt_03Through practical exercises in English pronunciation, the participants should improve their pronunciation of English vowels, consonants, and diphthongs, especially those problematic for Polish learners of English, and will become more confident in speaking English,
Efekt_04Use with relative ease more complex grammatical structures at the advanced and proficiency levels. The grammatical exercises that they will be given should eliminate the most frequent grammatical mistakes made by Polish learners of English,
Efekt_05Write in proper academic English both short e-mails, abstracts, different types of paragraphs and reports, longer essays as well as academic research papers,
Efekt_06Use their enriched vocabulary stock; not only the more formal, academic lexicon but, above all, technical terms and scientific vocabulary used by biologists,
Efekt_07Give a 15 or 20 min. presentation in fluent English, with the vocabulary that they need for their presentation. The presentation should be coherent, and, above all, easy to understand by the audience

Treści programowe

Lp. Treści programowe dla zajęć/przedmiotu Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotu

Listening comprehension practice – texts played to students range from the ones dealing with everyday matters to the ones which are more complex and contain academic and biological vocabulary,

Efekt_01, Efekt_06

Speaking – discussion on the basis of texts the students are given during classes or the ones given to them prior to the class. The discussions will be based on listening comprehension practice. In-class discussions on the basis of students’ presentations (preferably PP-enhanced ones); question asking techniques, asking properly structured questions, making students aware of the importance of phonetics.

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_03, Efekt_06, Efekt_07

- Speaking – phonetic aspect. The students will be made familiar with the sound system of English (especially with consonants, vowels, and diphthongs), - Eradication of the possible Polish elements in their pronunciation of English by constant drilling. Much attention will be paid to the most problematic elements for Polish learners of English (short and long vowels and the so-called th-sound), - The students will be given phonetic feedback after delivering a presentation, - Making students aware of the importance of phonetics in effective communication in English.

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_03

Vocabulary – enriching the participants’ vocabulary as well as making sure that they can use it in both presentations and in-class discussions. All vocabulary tasks will be interwoven into listening, writing, grammar, and speaking practice.

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_04, Efekt_05, Efekt_06, Efekt_07

- Grammar – revision of the grammatical rules and structures learned so far, - Emphasis will be laid on more complex grammatical structures: inversion, modals used to refer to the past, reported speech, etc. and their effective usage in both spoken and written register, - Elements of grammar are also paid attention to during listening and presentation skill practices.

Efekt_01, Efekt_02, Efekt_04, Efekt_05, Efekt_06, Efekt_07

Writing – the following elements will be discussed and practiced during the classes - Elements of a coherent paragraph (topic sentence, body, concluding sentence), - Various types of paragraphs, - Structure of a proper essay and its types (argumentative, cause and effect, etc.), - Propensities of proper academic writing, - Writing e-mails - Integrating writing, grammar, and lexicon.

Efekt_04, Efekt_05, Efekt_06

- Delivering presentations in English, structure of a coherent presentation, use of the appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and speaking skills acquired during classes, - Every PP presentation will be followed by a few questions from the audience as well as a feedback of the tutor, - Discussions will be based on students’ presentations - Extralinguistic features (mainly body language) used during presentations will be discussed and assessed.

Efekt_01, Efekt_04, Efekt_07

Informacje dodatkowe

Metody i formy prowadzenia zajęć
Sposoby ocenianiaSymbole EK dla modułu zajęć/przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania wg skali stosowanej w UAM
bardzo dobry (bdb; 5,0):
dobry plus (+db; 4,5):
dobry (db; 4,0):
dostateczny plus (+dst; 3,5):
dostateczny (dst; 3,0):
niedostateczny (ndst; 2,0):


Wydawnictwa książkowe

    1. Alexander, L. G. : Longman English Grammar Practice (for intermediate students). , Longman, , 1999
    2. Baker, Ann.: Ship or Sheep: An intermediate pronunciation course (3rd edition). , Cambridge University Press, , 2006
    3. Blackman, D.: Tests in English Phrasal Verbs., WSiP, Warszawa, 1995
    4. Eastwood, John: Oxford Practice Grammar (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, , 1999
    5. Evans, Virginia: CPE Use of English 1 (for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination), Express Publishing, , 2002
    6. Foley, Mark & Diane Hall: Longman Advanced Learner, Longman, , 2003
    7. Gethin, Hugh: Grammar in Context: Proficiency Level English., Collins, , 1990
    8. Harrison, Mark: New Proficiency Testbuilder., Macmillan, , 2002
    9. Hewings, M.: Advanced Grammar in Use., Cambridge University Press, , 1999
    10. Hewings, Martin: English Pronunciation in Use: Advanced., Cambridge University Press, , 2007
    11. Hornby, A. S. (ed.): Oxford Advanced Learner, Oxford University Press., , 2010
    12. Matasek, M.: English Advanced Vocabulary and Structure Practice., Altravox Press, , 1997
    13. McCarthy, Michael & Felicity O: English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced)., Cambridge University Press, , 2002
    14. Misztal, M.: Tests in English Structural Conversation., WSiP, , 1997
    15. Misztal, M.: Tests in English Thematic Vocabulary., WSiP, , 1995
    16. Oshima, Alice & Ann Hoque: Writing Academic English. (4th edition.), Pearson Education, , 2005
    17. : Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English., Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. Oxford University Press, ,
    18. Roach, Peter: English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course (4th edition)., Cambridge University Press, , 2009
    19. Side, Richard & Guy Wellman: Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency., Longman, , 2000
    20. Thomson, A.J. & A. V. Martinet: A Practical English Grammar., Oxford University Press, , 1986
    21. Thomson, A.J. & A. V. Martinet: A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1., Oxford University Press, , 1986
    22. Thomson, A.J. & A. V. Martinet: A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2., Oxford University Press, , 1986
    23. Vince, Michael: Advanced Language Practice (with key)., Macmillan, , 2004
    24. Watcyn-Jones, P.: Test Your Grammar and Usage., Penguin Books, , 1996
    25. Wellman, G.: The Heinemann English Wordbuilder., Heinemann, , 1989
    26. Yule, George: Oxford Practice Grammar (Advanced)., Oxford University Press, , 2006
    27. Zemach, D. E. & Lisa A. Rumisek: Academic Writing: From Paragraph to Essay, Macmillan, , 2005
    28. : * The list of the recommended reading for this course can be extended further by the instructors. Apart from the above, the instructors can provide their own (authentic and non-authentic) materials., , ,

Nakład pracy studenta i punkty ECTS

Forma aktywności Średnia liczba godzin* na zrealizowanie aktywności
Godziny zajęć (wg planu studiów) z nauczycielem
Praca własna studenta:
Przygotowanie do zajęć
Czytanie wskazanej literatury
Przygotowanie pracy pisemnej, raportu, prezentacji, demonstracji, itp.
Przygotowanie projektu
Przygotowanie pracy semestralnej
Przygotowanie do egzaminu / zaliczenia

* godzina (lekcyjna) oznacza 45 minut